Necklaces, bracelets and other lovely jewelry may be found in sterling silver, gold, diamond and other valuable materials.
Here you can see a great selection of jewelry featuring Christian and Jewish themes and motifs. Our collection includes meaningful occasions that have been handmade by goldsmiths in the Holy Land for hundreds of years dating back to the time of Jesus Christ.
The silver, gold and other precious materials pieces on each carving are unique: each one is different from the time of its conception until it is completed. The pieces are handcrafted from the heart, with special attention to each small detail. Melted material is carefully cast into the mold and then when it is cooled, a magnificent distinctive piece of jewelry comes to this world. This process is complemented by hand carving with small instruments until the final pieces of art come to life. This process cannot be done with the human eyes alone a magnifying glass has to be used so as to be able to see the small details of each minute piece of carving.